You’re moments away from your discount code, please confirm!


You've just been sent an email that contains a confirmation link.

  1. In order to unlock your 15% discount code you must click on the confirmation link.
  2. Please check your inbox and click on the link in that email.
  3. After you click the link, check your email where you will find your welcome e-mail.
  4. Enjoy coconut flour recipes, learn tips and tricks and get more discount codes!

Please consider adding my email address to your email contact list so you don't miss any emails from me.

That email address is:

Best regards,


P.S. If you are using Gmail, you may need to do a special search to find your confirmation email. The subject line will be “Confirm your subscription” and choose to search “Mail & Spam & Trash” (“All Mail” does not search everywhere).


Image of Starlene